Sleepless Knights
Sleepless Knights

Sleepless Knights

a film by Stefan Butzmühlen and Cristina Diz

Germany 2012 · 82 minutes, Spanish
Subtitles: English, German

starring Raúl Godoy, Jaime Pedruelo

Sleepless Knights

As every year, Carlos spends his summer with his family in Extremadura. This time he’ll stay longer since there are no jobs to be had in Madrid. He meets a young policeman named Juan who has been transferred there from the capital and a relationship develops that does not quite fit in a village where old men still don knight’s armor and reenact the past while dancing together to songs of friendship. Far away from the big city, tourism and the gay scene, against a landscape that seems at times almost otherworldly, Carlos and Juan must discover if their relationship stands a chance …

Sleepless Knights

with English subtitles

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