Virgin Machine
Virgin Machine

Virgin Machine

a film by Monika Treut

Germany 1988, 84 minutes, German and English
Subtitles: German, English, French, Portuguese

fully restored and re-mastered

starring Ina Blum, Marecelo Uriona, Gad Klein, Mona Mur, Peter Kern, Hans-C. Blumenberg, Erica Marcus, Carla Wood Saivre, Fakir Musafar, Shelly Mars, Dominique Gaspar, Flora Gaspar, Susie Bright, Fanny Fatal, Pearl Harbour

Virgin Machine

Dorothee, a would-be writer and journalist, leaves Germany for the Oz of San Francisco, searching for her long-lost mother and a cure for the malady of love. Installed in the Tenderloin, she peeps in on neighbors’ bizarre sex rituals as well as does sightseeing of the more traditional kind. But encounters with male impersonator Ramona, charming Hungarian bohemian Dominique, and Susie Sexpert, barker for an all-girl strip show, lead to exploratory adventures of self-discovery and fun. When Dorothy surfaces like a dazzled tourist on the wilder shores of the city’s lesbian community, she has discovered her true sexuality and left some illusions behind.

Virgin Machine

with English subtitles


with English subtitles

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